27 arrivals for the period
Whitefish totalled 9175 boxes from five Scottish trawl, five Anglo longline and one Anglo freezer netter. The Scottish lads continue to work along the shelf edge north west of the Butt of Lewis targeting monkfish, squid and mixed groundfish. Despite the poor weather, boats have fished well achieving decent high value landings which are mainly being privately sold direct to processors. The Anglo longline fleet has been an infrequent visitor here; just a couple of boats have landed and tied up for a few weeks and others have called in on their way south. The freezer netter Mar Blanco landed an excellent shot of processed-at-sea frozen monkfish following an eight-week trip in deepwater at Rockall – they must have seen some huge waves in that time.
Shellfish landings were restricted to the resident fleet and a couple of Mallaig boats called in for shelter on their way north to Lochinver.
The non-fishing sector was once again predominated by fishfarm support vessels as is the pattern these days. The treatment vessels Bakkanes, Inter Caledonia, Ronjafisk and Aqua Skye called in for fuel, stores and their monthly crew changes. The fish carriers Aqua Star, Aqua Reflex and Migdale were day-running to local farms along with the work tug Ocean Supporter and the MCA- chartered ETV Ievoli Black called in for fuel and a crew change.
Shore Street Project Update
The final piece of the legislative jigsaw fell into place with the arrival of the long-awaited Marine Licence. The pontoon contract has been awarded and the construction contract is days’ away from being signed off. Sourcing funding is on ongoing task and several fairly positive leads are being followed. The anticipated start date will be autumn 2022 with completion by spring 2023.
Inner Harbour Clear-Up
In readiness for the works the inner harbour foreshore will have to be cleared of abandoned vessels. If you own one of these vessels please get in touch with the harbour office to discuss how we can be of assistance in recovering, disposing or relocating. The plan is to have the area voluntarily cleared by the end of March 2022. Beyond that date vessels will be disposed of by Ullapool Harbour Trust. Contact info@ullapool-harbour.co.uk 01854 612724
Debbie and Tom, the village beach cleaners have decided to hang up their gloves after years of painstaking, back- breaking hard work on behalf of the village. The harbour would like to say a big thank you and wish them both all the very best.