Ullapool Harbour is a registered Trust port and as such is administered by an appointed Board of Trustees under the terms of The Ullapool Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2011.
The Board of Ullapool Harbour Trustees shall consist of
- seven members appointed by an independent panel convened by the existing Trustees;
- the Chief Executive of the Authority as an ex officio member.
It is the statutory duty of the Ullapool Harbour Trustees to
- manage, regulate, improve and maintain the harbour;
- do all other things which in its opinion are expedient to facilitate the proper carrying on or development of the harbour;
- turn its resources to account so far as not required for the purpose of the undertaking.
Each member appointed by the Trust shall be a person who appears to the Trust to have the special knowledge, experience or ability appropriate to the efficient, effective and economic discharge by the Authority of its functions.
Under the Harbour Revision Order 2011, Board Members are appointed for a 3 year term. (Due to the Covid pandemic and its consequent impact on the business, UHT received permission to lengthen the a number of trustee terms for an extended period).
Each member appointed by the Trust shall be a person judged to have special knowledge, experience or ability appropriate to the efficient, effective and economic discharge by the Authority of its functions.
The appointment panel is chaired by the current Convenor / nominated Trustee, an independent local stakeholder and an independent person with no connection to the village. The appointment process commences in October with the placement of a 28 day advert in the local paper. Application forms received by the deadline are appraised by the panel and those deemed to possess the appropriate skills are invited for interview. The interview takes the form of a series of questions dealing with areas including the applicant’s skills and experience, community engagement, governance knowledge and experience. Each candidate is awarded marks by the 3 panel members. Thereafter the highest scoring applicants are appointed and take up office on the 1st December of the year in question.
Current Trustees | Term of Office |
Mr Alexander Osborne, Convenor | 30.11.2024 – 1.12.2027 |
Mr Kyle Cameron | 1.12.2023 – 30.11.2026 |
Mr Stephen Couper | 30.11.2024 – 1.12.2027 |
Mr Paul Hamilton | 1.12.2023-30.11.2026 |
Mr Dan Holland | 1.12.2023 – 30.11.2026 |
Ms Katie Scobie | 1.12.2023- 30.11.2026 |
Mr Tim Loftus | 30.11.2024 – 1.12.2027 |
Mr Kevin Peach CEO/Harbourmaster (ex-officio) | 1.10.2007 – ongoing |
Statutory Legislation & Guidelines
In addition to the provisions of The Ullapool Harbour Trustees (Constitution) Order 2011, the Board of Ullapool Harbour are guided by the recommendations of the following documents which assist best practice:
Ullapool Harbour Trustees (Constitution) Order 2011 – The Ullapool Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2011
Modernising Trust Ports, Dept for Transport [2nd Ed] – Dept for Transport Modernising Trust Ports [2nd Ed]
Modern Trust Ports for Scotland: Guidance for Good Governance (Transport Scotland) –Transport Scotland Modern Trust Ports Good Guidance
Scottish Executive Guide to Good Governance – Guide for Board Members of Public Bodies in Scotland
Trustee Skills & Experience
In line with the 2011 Harbour Revision Order, appointments to the Board are made with due regard to having a distribution of experience and/or qualification in one or more of the following fields:
- management of harbours
- shipping or other forms of transport
- the fishing industry
- sailing and other water-related leisure activities
- navigation industrial,
- commercial or financial matters
- administration
- the law relating to Scotland
- health and safety
- personnel management
- environmental matters affecting harbours
Ullapool Harbour Trustees revised the Harbour Order to encompass further recommendations of the guidance documentation. This took effect from 20th September 2011.